WoW Addons

Step7:ClickMovetoacleancopy,save,andsendifyouwanttosendthemtoyourwholeraid'sMRTtobeabletosee,orjustSetaspersonalnoteif ...,heywheniseesomepeoplesignupforgroupstheyhavenoteslistedlike1700cr22%2kxp.howdoiaddthattomytoonswhenisignupfor ...,I'verecen...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to add a Method Raid Tools Note! - worldofwarcraft post

Step 7: Click Move to a clean copy, save, and send if you want to send them to your whole raid's MRT to be able to see, or just Set as personal note if ...

How to add notes in lfg? - Arenas

hey when i see some people sign up for groups they have notes listed like 1700cr 22% 2kxp. how do i add that to my toons when i sign up for ...

How to set player notes - Desktop App Tech Support

I've recently joined a group on Bnet and they are asking me set a note next to my name with my ingame player name.

Is there a way to make my own Handy Notes?

You can type /hnnew in the chat box to add a note at your current location. If you type /hnnew x,y then you can create a note at the specific coordinates.

Personal Player Notes - World of Warcraft Addons

Notes and pre-defined Descriptions can be set and managed: By right-clicking on a unit frame or in chat; From a GUI interface or blizzard addon options; Minimap ...

Character Notes - World of Warcraft Addons

Character Notes allows you to set and manage notes on other player's characters. Notes are stored per realm so notes are shared across your characters on a ...

How do I put a note on my own character for premades to see?

I keep signing up for pvp and pve raiding groups and they are asking for notes. How do I put that note on my character for them to see when they hover over my ...

How to add a personnal note for group finder - wow

Like when I make my own group I see a sham and he has a enhanc melee note etc... How do I set one for my self ?

How To Use Note+ In WoW - Addon Guide

Note+: Patreon: Discord: Tup: ...

WoW MRT Notes - How they make you a better player

... setting up a Personal Note via MethodRaidTools. How to set it up and what should be included is presented to you in this video. o/


Step7:ClickMovetoacleancopy,save,andsendifyouwanttosendthemtoyourwholeraid'sMRTtobeabletosee,orjustSetaspersonalnoteif ...,heywheniseesomepeoplesignupforgroupstheyhavenoteslistedlike1700cr22%2kxp.howdoiaddthattomytoonswhenisignupfor ...,I'verecentlyjoinedagrouponBnetandtheyareaskingmesetanotenexttomynamewithmyingameplayername.,Youcantype/hnnewinthechatboxtoaddanoteatyourcurrentlocation.Ifyouty...